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2021年05月09日 12:47  点击:[]










刘建军,女,研究员,正高二级技术岗位/博士生导师。广东省医学领军人才、深圳市高层次领军人才,享受国务院政府特殊津贴和深圳市政府特殊津贴。中国毒理学会和中国环境诱变剂学会理事,广东省毒理学会和广东省环境诱变剂学会副理事长,中华预防医学会卫生毒理分会常务委员,深圳市预防医学会常务理事,深圳市预防医学会毒理学评价专业委员会主任委员。现任深圳市疾病预防控制中心毒理研究所所长和深圳市现代毒理学重点实验室学科带头人。主要研究方向为化学污染物致机体损伤的分子机制及生物标志物研究、化学污染物暴露的健康风险评估研究、神经退行性疾病的风险因素。在深圳市率先负责建立了蛋白质组学研究技术平台和开放实验室。先后主持国家自然科学基金4项、广东省自然科学基金重点项目1项、广东省自然科学基金2项、深圳市基础研究学科布局项目2项、深圳市科技计划重点项目2项、深圳市重点实验室提升发展项目2项、深圳市科技计划项目4项。以第一完成人获得国家、省级和市级科技成果奖6项,分别为:广东省科学技术奖二等奖1项和三等奖1项、中华医学科技奖三等奖1项、中华预防医学会科技奖二等奖1项、深圳市自然科学奖一等奖1项和深圳市科技创新奖1项。以主要完成人获科技成果奖8项,分别为广东省自然科学奖二等奖1项、广东省科技进步奖二等奖1项、广东省科学技术奖三等奖1项、深圳市科技进步一等奖1项、深圳市科技进步二等奖1项、深圳市科技创新奖3项。近年来以第一作者或通讯作者在Particle and Fibre ToxicologyNanomedicine、Chemosphere、Toxicology and Applied PharmacologyToxicology Letters等国内外知名期刊发表研究论文80多篇。主译专著1部、参与编写专著7部。获国家发明专利授权5项(第一)。培养研究生35名和博士后5名。















6)蛋白质组技术体系的建立及其在预防医学中的应用研究. 广东省科学技术奖三等奖,2007年,第一完成人.

7)蛋白质组技术体系的建立及其在预防医学中的应用研究. 深圳市科技创新奖,2007年,第一完成人.

8)Up-regulation of I2PP2A is Associated with Trichloroethylene-induced Cytotoxicity in L-02 Liver Cells.广东省环境诱变剂学会2010年学术会议获优秀论文奖,2010年,通讯作者.



11)带His标签的癌蛋白SET真核表达载体的构建. 第六届中国毒理学会生化与分子毒理专业委员会全国学术会议优秀论文,2008年,第一作者.

12)利用蛋白质组学技术研究TCE刺激肝细胞后蛋白质差异表达. 深圳市科技学术年会优秀论文奖,2005年,第一作者.

13)Identification of Serum Biomarkers for Occcupational Medicamentosa-like Dermatitics Induced by Trichloroethylene Using Mass Spectrometry.第13届国际毒理学会议优秀口头报告二等奖,2013年,通讯作者.

14)Silica nanoparticles induce pathological signs of Alzheimer’s disease in rats.第六届纳米毒理学国际会议优秀墙报奖,2012年,通讯作者.






20)Hormesis and differential proteomic analysis in L-02 liver cells induced by low concentration trichoroethylene.中国蛋白质组学第四届学术大会优秀论文,2006年,通讯作者.

21)人类SARS冠状病毒溯源研究,深圳市科技进步一等奖, 2004年,第十完成人.






















1)Zhihong Chen,Jiacheng Zhong,Xiaohu Ren,Wei Liu,Desheng Wu,Chongyang Chen,Haiyan Huang,Xinfeng Huang,Yungang Liu,Jianjun Liu*.Involvement of a novel regulatory cascade consisting of SET-H3K18ac/H3K27ac-53BP1 in Cr(VI)-induced malignant transformation of 16HBE cells.Toxicol Lett, 2021, 339:70-77. [PMID: 33370592](IF=3.166)

2)Xiao Chen, Wei Liu, Lu Wang, Dafeng Lin, Lulin Nie, Kaiwu He, Zhiwei Guo, Feiqi Zhu, Wenting Feng, Weimin Liu, Jing Yuan, Xifei Yang, Peter Spencer,Jianjun Liu*.Diabetes mellitus is associated with elevated urinary pyrrole markers of γ-diketones known to cause axonal neuropathy.BMJ Open Diabetes Res Care,2020,8(1):e001575.[PMID:32912928] (IF=3.183).

3)Nuanyuan Luo, Qunqun Chang,·Xiaohu Ren, Peiwu Huang,Wei Liu, Li Zhou, Yungang Liu,Jianjun Liu*. Trichloroethylene injures rat liver and elevates the level of peroxisomal bifunctional enzyme (Ehhadh).Mol. Cell. Toxicol,2020,16:331-345.(IF=1.83).

4)Li Liu , Wei Liu , Lulin Nie , Zhiwei Guo , Yi Luo , Weihong Chen , Weimin Liu , Feiqi Zhu , Lu Wang , Jiafei Zhang , Xian Wang , Tian Li , Erwei Gao, Li Zhou , Kaiwu He , Yidan Huang , Chunjie Yuan , Qingqing Zhu , Fang Ye , Xingchen Yu , Jing Yuan ,Jianjun Liu*. Study Design and Baseline Characteristics of Shenzhen Ageing-Related Disorder Cohort in China.BMJ Open,2020,10(6): e034317. [PMID: 32565452] (IF=2.496).

5)Xian Wang , Jiafei Zhang , Li Zhou , Benhong Xu, Xiaohu Ren , Kaiwu He , Lulin Nie , Xiao Li ,Jianjun Liu*, Xifei Yang , Jing Yuan. Long-term Iron Exposure Causes Widespread Molecular Alterations Associated With Memory Impairment in Mice.Food Chem Toxicol, 2019,130: 242-252. [PMID: 31136779](IF=4.679).

6)Ren X, Xia B, Chen Z, Chen X, Wu D, Lu W, Luo N, Zhou L, Liu W, Yang X,Liu J*. Short-term and long-term exposure to hexavalent chromium alters 53BP1 via H3K18ac and H3K27ac.Chemosphere,2019,229: 284-294.[PMID:31078885] (IF=5.778).

7)Ren X, Chen Z, Ruan J, Zhong J, Deng R, Liu W, Huang X, Yang X, Liu Y,Liu J*. Trichloroethylene-induced downregulation of miR-199b-5p contributes to SET-mediated apoptosis in hepatocytes.Cell Biol Toxicol,2019, 35(6): 565-572. [PMID:31140026] (IF=6.284).

8)Zhong J, Ren X, Chen Z, Zhang H, Zhou L, Yuan J, Li P, Chen X, Liu W, Wu D, Yang X,Liu J*. miR-21-5p promotes lung adenocarcinoma progression partially through targeting SET/TAF-Iα.Life Sci,2019, 231:116539. [PMID:31176779] (IF=3.647).

9)Lu W, Chen Z, Ren X, Liu W, Deng R, Yuan J, Huang X, Zhu W,Liu J*.SET promotes H2Ak9 acetylation by suppressing HDAC1 in trichloroethylene-induced hepatic cytotoxicity.Environ Toxicol Pharmacol,2018, 59:125-131. [PMID:29579541] (IF=3.292).

10)Chen X, Sun Y, Huang H, Liu W, Hu P, Huang X, Zou F,Liu J*. Uncovering the proteome response of murine neuroblastoma cells against low-dose exposure to saxitoxin.Toxicol Mech Methods, 2018, 28(5): 335-344.[PMID: 29228856] (IF=1.994).

11)Liu W, Hu T, Zhou L, Wu D, Huang X, Ren X, Lv Y, Hong W, Huang G, Lin Z,Liu J*.Nrf2 protects against oxidative stress induced by SiO2 nanoparticles.Nanomedicine (Lond), 2017, 12(19): 2303-2318.[PMID: 28952419](IF=5.005).

12)Ren X,Huang X,Yang X,Liu Y,Liu W,Huang H,Wu D,Zou F,Liu J*.SET mediates TCE-induced liver cell apoptosis through dephosphorylation and upregulation of nucleolin.Oncotarget,2017,8(25):40958-40966.[PMID: 28402964](IF=5.168).

13)Hong WX, Huang A, Lin S, Yang X, Yang L, Zhou L, Huang H, Wu D, Huang X, Xu H,Liu J*.Differential expression profile of membrane proteins in L-02 cells exposed to trichloroethylene.Toxicol Ind Health,2016,32(10):1774-1783.[PMID: 26045551] (IF=1.255).

14)Liu W,Hong WX,Zhang YW,Ren XH,Li PM, Zhang ZM,Huang HY,Huang XF, Zhang YF,Liu JJ*.Dynamic Change of Serum Proteomics of Occupational Medicamentosa-like Dermatitis Induced by Trichloroethylene.IntJ Clin Exp Pathol, 2016, 9(7): 7381-7392.[PMID: 24631019](IF=1.396).

15)Xia B, Pang L, Zhuang ZX,Liu JJ*. Biotin-mediated epigenetic modifications: Potential defense against the carcinogenicity of benzo[a]pyrene.Toxicol Lett, 2015, 241(2):216-224. [PMID: 26569572] (IF=3.166).

16)Ren X, Li J, Xia B, Liu W, Yang X, Hong WX, Huang P, Wang Y, Li S, Zou F,Liu J*.Phosphoproteomic analyses of L-02 liver cells exposed to trichloroethylene.Toxicol Mech Methods, 2015, 25(6):459-466. [PMID: 26018768] (IF=1.994).

17)Liu J, Huang P, He Y, Hong WX, Ren X, Yang X, He Y, Wang W, Zhang R, Yang H, Zhao Z, Huang H, Chen L, Zhao D, Xian H, Yang F, Ma D, Yang L, Yin Y, Zhou L, Chen X, Cheng J. Serum amyloid A and clusterin as potential predictive biomarkers for severe hand, foot and mouth disease by 2D-DIGE proteomics analysis.PLoS One, 2014,9(9):e108816. [PMID:25268271] (IF=2.806).

18)Ren X, Yang X, Hong W, Huang P,Wang Y, Liu W, Ye J, Huang H, Huang X, Shen L, Yang L, Zhuang Z,Liu J*. Identification of the proteins related to SET-mediated hepatic cytotoxicity of trichloroethylene by proteomic analysis.Toxicol Lett, 2014, 227(1):12-19. [PMID: 24631019] (IF=3.166).

19)Zhang H, Hong WX, Ye J, Yang X, Ren X, Huang A, Yang L, Zhou L, Huang H, Wu D, Huang X, Zhuang Z,Liu J*. Analysis of trichloroethylene-induced global DNA hypomethylation in hepatic L-02 cells by liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry.Biochem Biophys Res Commun,2014, 446(2):590-595.[PMID:24632203] (IF=2.466).

20)Huang P,Ren X,Huang Z,Yang X,Hong W,Zhang Y,Zhang H,Liu W,Huang H,Huang X,Wu D,Yang L,Tang H,Zhou L,Li X,Liu J*. Serum proteomic analysis reveals potential serum biomarkers for occupational medicamentosa-like dermatitis caused by trichloroethylene.Toxicol Lett,2014,229 (1):101-110. [PMID: 24960064] (IF= 3.166) .

21)Liu W, Hong WX, Zhang Y, Huang P, Yang X, Ren X, Huang H,Liu J*. Proteomic profiling of occupational medicamentosa-like dermatitis induced by trichloroethylene in serum based on MALDI-TOF MS.Clin Exp Med,2015, 15(4): 519-526. [PMID:25475505] (IF=2.919).

22)Yang X, He C, Li J, Chen H,Ma Q, Sui X, Tian S,Ying M, Zhang Q,Luo Y, Zhuang Z,Liu J*. Uptake of Silica Nanoparticles: Neurotoxicity and Alzheimer-like Pathology in Human SK-N-SH and Mouse Neuro2a Neuroblastoma Cells.Toxicol Lett, 2014,229(1):240-249. [PMID:24831964](IF=3.166) .

23)Sui X, Ren X, Huang P, Li S, Ma Q, Ying M, Ni J,Liu J*, Yang X. Proteomic analysis of serum proteins in triple transgenic Alzheimer's disease mice: implications for identifying biomarkers for use to screen potential candidate therapeutic drugs for early Alzheimer's disease.J Alzheimers Dis,2014,40(3):575-586. [PMID:24496070] (IF=3.731).

24)Xia B, Ren XH, Zhuang ZX, Yang LQ, Huang HY, Pang L, Wu DS, Luo J, Tan YL,Liu JJ*,Zou F. Effect of hexavalent chromium on histone biotinylation in human bronchial epithelial cells.Toxicol Lett,2014 ,228(3):241-247.[PMID: 24858232] (IF=3.166).

25)Li J, Yang XF, Ren XH, Meng XJ, Huang HY, Zhao QH, Yuan JH, Hong WX, Xia B, Huang XF, Zhou L,Liu JJ*, Zou F. Stable SET knockdown in breast cell carcinoma inhibits cell migration and invasion.Biochem Biophys Res Commun.2014,453(1):7-12. [PMID:25234598] (IF=2.466).

26)Hong WX, Liu W, Zhang Y, Huang P, Yang X, Ren X, Ye J, Huang H, Tang H, Zhou G, Huang X, Zhuang Z,Liu J*.Identification of serum biomarkers for occupational medicamentosa-like dermatitis induced by trichloroethylene using mass spectrometry.Toxicol Appl Pharmacol. 2013,273(1): 121‐129.[PMID: 23994554] (IF=3.616).

27)Yang X,Shen Z,Zhang B,Yang J,Hong WX,Zhuang Z,Liu J*.Silica Nanoparticles Capture AtmosphericLead: Implications in theTreatment of Environmental Heavy Metal Pollution.Chemosphere, 2013, 90(2):653-656.[PMID: 23084516](IF=4.427).

28)Huang H, Huang A, Zhuang Z, Huang W, Fu Y, Peng C,Liu J*.Study of cytoskeletal changes induced by okadaic acid in HL-7702 liver cells and development of a fluorimetric microplate assay for detecting diarrhetic shellfish poisoning.Environ Toxicol,2013, 28(2):98-106. [PMID: 21544917] (IF=2.491).

29)Hong WX,Ye JB,Chen MT,Yan Y,Zhou GF,Yang XF,Yang L,Ren XH,Huang HY,Zhou L,Huang XF,Zhuang ZX,Liu JJ*.Trichloroethylene Induces Biphasic Concentration-dependent Changes in Cell Proliferation and the Expression of SET-Associated Proteins in Human Hepatic L-02 Cells.Biomed Environ Sci,2013; 26(7): 618‐621.[PMID: 23895710](IF=2.518).

30)Hong WX, Yang L, Chen M, Yang X, Ren X, Fang S, Ye J, Huang H, Zhou L, Huang X, Yang F, WuD, Zhuang Z,Liu J*.Proteomic analysis of trichloroethylene-induced alterations in expression, distribution, and interactions of SET/TAF-Iα and SET/TAF-Iα-binding proteins, eEF1A1 and eEF1A2 in hepatic L-02 cells.Toxicol Appl Pharmacol, 2012, 263(2):259-272 [PMID:22771849] (IF=3.616).

31)Yang X, Jiang Y, Li J, Hong WX, Wu D, Huang X, Huang H, Zhou L, Yang L, Yuan J, Zhuang Z,Liu J*. Lentivirus-mediated silencing of I2PP2A through RNA interference attenuates trichloroethylene-induced cytotoxicity in human hepatic L-02 cells.Toxicol Lett, 2012, 209(3):232-238. [PMID: 22245669] (IF=3.166).

32)Yang X,Liu J*, He H, Zhou L, Gong C, Wang X, Yang L, Yuan J,Huang H, He L, Zhang B, Zhuang Z. SiO2 nanoparticles induce cytotoxicity and protein expression alteration in HaCaT Cells.Part Fibre Toxicol, 2010, 7(1):1. [PMID: 20180970] (IF=6.105).

33)Huang HY,Liu JJ(共同第一作者), Xi RR, Xing XM, Yuan JH, Yang LQ, Tao GH, Gong CM, Zhuang ZX.An investigation of hormesis of trichloroethylene in L-02 Liver cells by differential proteomic analysis.Mol Biol Rep, 2009, 36: 2119–2129.[PMID: 19109764] (IF=1.889).

34)Liu J, Xing X, Huang H, Jiang Y, He H, Xu X, Yuan J, Zhou L, Yang L, Zhuang Z. Identification of antigenic proteins associated with trichloroethylene-induced autoimmune disease by serological proteome analysis.Toxicol Appl Pharmacol, 2009, 240(3):393-400. [PMID: 19647757] (IF=3.616).

35)Liu J, Huang H, Xing X, Xi R, Zhuang Z, Yuan J, Yang F, Zhao J.Compartive proteomic analysis on human L-02 liver cells treated with varying concentrations of trichloroethylene.Toxicol Ind Health, 2007, 23(2): 91-101. [PMID: 18203561] (IF=1.255).

2.以第一作者或通讯作者发表的主要中文论文(共23篇,*通讯作者 )

1)黄超, 刘威, 吕媛, 刘建军*.阿尔茨海默病流行现状及非药物干预研究进展. 中华老年医学杂志, 2020, 39(1): 100-104.

2)王舒奇, 刘威, 吕媛, 任晓虎, 聂露琳, 何开武, 陈志鸿, 罗暖媛,刘建军*.深圳市某区老年人轻度认知功能障碍影响因素的病例对照研究. 华南预防医学, 2019, 45(3): 268-271.

3)陈志鸿, 罗暖媛, 任晓虎, 王舒奇, 黄超, 刘云岗, 刘建军*. 基于定量蛋白质组学技术的铬致细胞恶化转化中SET的潜在作用分析. 中华劳动卫生职业病杂志, 2019, 37(3): 169-173.

4)任晓虎, 卢维雪, 陈志鸿, 刘威, 王舒奇, 罗暖媛, 刘建军*. 六价铬致16HBE细胞DNA损伤相关恶性转化的研究. 中华劳动卫生职业病杂志, 2018, 36(7): 481-484.

5)阮嘉雯, 陈志鸿, 卢维雪, 张航, 任晓虎, 黄新凤, 袁建辉, 刘云岗, 刘建军*. 三氯乙烯致肝细胞毒性中SET启动子区甲基化水平的改变. 中华劳动卫生职业病杂志, 2018, 36(3): 165-168.

6)陈志鸿, 卢维雪, 夏菠, 刘建军*.六价铬化合物致肺癌的研究进展.中华劳动卫生职业病杂志, 2017, 35(11): 875-878.

7)邓荣霞, 任晓虎, 阮嘉雯, 郑剑, 钟佳成, 卢维雪, 邹晓青, 刘建军*. 三氯乙烯对人正常肝细胞组蛋白质甲基化修饰影响的研究.中华预防医学杂志, 2017, 51(4): 347-352.

8)刘建军. 加强预防三氯乙烯的职业健康危害.中华预防医学杂志, 2015,49(3):193-195.

9)黄培武, 李绚, 刘威, 刘建军*. 三氯乙烯非致癌性毒性研究进展.中华预防医学杂志, 2015, 49(9): 97-101.

10)黄培武, 李绚, 任晓虎, 刘建军*. 三氯乙烯及其代谢物致癌性研究进展.中华预防医学杂志, 2015, 49(3): 284-288.

11)洪文旭, 黄爱博, 许华, 张航, 叶金波, 刘建军*. SET基因缺陷对三氯乙烯诱导人正常肝细胞DNA甲基化水平改变的影响.中华预防医学杂志,2015, 49(3): 206-211.

12)黄爱博, 许华, 洪文旭, 庄志雄, 刘建军*. 三氯乙烯对人正常肝细胞亚细胞蛋白质组影响的研究.中华预防医学杂志,2015, 49(3): 212-217.

13)张航, 刘威, 刘建军*. microRNA的功能及其临床应用.生物技术通讯, 2015, 26(2): 278-282.

14)张航, 胡俊杰, 叶金波, 任晓虎, 刘建军*.高效液相色谱-串联质谱检测基因组DNA甲基化方法的建立.生物技术通讯. 2014, 25(4):537-541.

15)胡韬, 申治国, 孙烨, 周丽, 刘建军*.纳米二氧化硅对车间空气中镉的吸附效应.环境与健康杂志, 2014, 31(11): 1023-1024.

16)黄培武, 任晓虎, 洪文旭, 杨细飞, 张航, 李杰, 张艳芳, 刘建军*.一例三氯乙烯药疹样皮炎患者不同发病时期血清蛋白质组分析.中华预防医学杂志, 2014, 48(5): 420-430.

17)叶金波, 刘威, 周桂凤, 任晓虎, 黄培武, 洪文旭, 黄海燕, 刘建军*. 职业性三氯乙烯药疹样皮炎诊断模型的建立.中华预防医学杂志, 2013, 47(2):151-154.

18)刘建军, 蒋英芝, 叶金波, 李杰, 杨细飞, 周丽, 黄海燕, 黄新凤. SET基因shRNA慢病毒载体的构建及其在肝细胞中的表达鉴定.癌变•畸变•突变,2013, 25(1):44-52.

19)刘威, 刘建军*.基质辅助激光解吸电离飞行时间质谱技术筛选人血清蛋白标志的研究进展.卫生研究, 2012, 41(3): 526-530.

20)刘威, 张艳芳, 张志敏, 李培茂, 姜晓东, 周桂凤, 刘建军*.三氯乙烯药疹样皮炎患者肝功能损害动态变化.中华劳动卫生职业病杂志, 2011, 29(10): 790-794.

21)刘建军,邢秀梅, 黄海燕, 袁建辉, 徐新云, 周丽, 杨细飞, 方道奎. 三氯乙烯药疹样皮炎差异血清蛋白的筛选及鉴定.中华预防医学杂志,2010,44(6): 485-489.

22)任晓虎, 刘建军*.磷酸化蛋白质组学技术进展及其在预防医学中的应用.中华预防医学杂志,2010,44(6): 542-545.

23)刘建军, 庄志雄. 毒理蛋白质组学与人类健康危险度评价.中华预防医学杂志, 2010, 44(6): 478-479.


1)Chao Zhao, Peisi Xie, Ting Yong, Wei Huang, Jianjun Liu, Desheng Wu, Fenfen Ji, Min Li, Doudou Zhang, Ruijin Li, Chuan Dong, Juan Ma, Zheng Dong, Sijin Liu, Zongwei Cai Airborne fine particulate matter induces cognitive and emotional disorders in offspring mice exposed during pregnancy.Sci Bull, (IF=9.511)

2)Zihuan Li, Hang Yu, Meiqi Song, Hansruedi Glatt, Jianjun Liu, Yungang Liu.Potent aneugenicity of 1-methylpyrene in human cells dependent on metabolic activation by endogenous enzymes.Arch Toxicol, 2021,95(2):703-713. [PMID:33057863] (IF=5.059)

3)Yang X, Zhang Y, Xu H, Luo X, Yu J,Liu J, Chang RC. Neuroprotection of Coenzyme Q10 in Neurodegenerative Diseases.Curr Top Med Chem, 2016, 16(8), 858-866. [PMID:26311425] (IF=2.90)

4)Yu J, Luo X, Xu H, Ma Q, Yuan J, Li X, Chang RC, Qu Z, Huang X, Zhuang Z,Liu J, Yang X. Identification of the key molecules involved in chronic copper exposure-aggravated memory impairment in transgenic mice of Alzheimer's disease using proteomic analysis.J Alzheimers Dis,2015, 44(2):455-469. [PMID:25352456] (IF=4.151).

5)Ma Q, Ying M, Sui X, Zhang H, Huang H, Yang L, Huang X, Zhuang Z,Liu J, Yang X. Chronic copper exposure causes spatial memory impairment, selective loss of hippocampal synaptic proteins, and activation of PKR/eIF2α pathway in mice.J Alzheimers Dis,2015, 43(4):1413-1427. [PMID:25159668] (IF=4.151).

6)Liu JD,Liu JJ,Yuan JH,Tao GH,Wu DS,Yang XF,Yang LQ,Huang HY,Zhou L,Xu XY,Hu JJ,Zhuang ZX.Proteome of melamine urinary bladder stones and implication for stone formation.Toxicol Lett,2012, 212(3):307-314. [PMID: 22688180] (IF=3.262).

7)Wu D,Liu J, Zhao Q, Xu X, Yang L, Huang H, Yuan J, Zhou L, Zhuang Z. Characterization of the disposition of melamine in female Sprague-Dawley rats using ultra-performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry.J Anal Toxicol,2011, 35(8):551-557. [PMID: 22004674] (IF=2.858).

8)Yang X, Yang Y,Liu J,Li G, Yang E.Increased Phosphorylation of Tau and Synaptic Protein Loss in the Aged Transgenic Mice Expressing Familiar Alzheimer's Disease-Linked Presenilin 1 Mutation.Neurochem Res.2012, 37(1):15-22. [PMID: 21842270]. (IF= 2.593).

9)Gong C, Tao G, Yang L,Liu J, Liu Q, Li W, Zhuang Z. Methylation of PARP-1 promoter involved in the regulation of nano-SiO(2)-induced decrease of PARP-1 mRNA expression.Toxicol Lett,2012, 209(3):264-269. [PMID: 22265868] (IF=3.262).

10)Gong C, Tao G, Yang L,Liu J, Liu Q, Zhuang Z. SiO(2) nanoparticles induce global genomic hypomethylation in HaCaT cells.Biochem Biophys Res Commun,2010, 397(3):397-400. [PMID: 20501321] (IF=2.297).

11)Gong C, Tao G, Yang L,Liu J, He H, Zhuang Z. The role of reactive oxygen species in silicon dioxide nanoparticle-induced cytotoxicity and DNA damage in HaCaT cells.Mol Biol Rep,2012,39(4): 4915-4925. [PMID: 22179747] (IF=2.024).

12)Luo Y, Liu X, Zheng Q, Wan X, Ouyang S, Yin Y, Sui X,Liu J, Yang X. Hydrogen sulfide prevents hypoxia-induced apoptosis via inhibition of an H2O2-activated calcium signaling pathway in mouse hippocampal neurons.Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2012; 425(2):473-477. [PMID: 22846576](IF=2.297).

13)Liu Q, Yang L, Gong C, Tao G, Huang H,Liu J, Zhang H, Wu D, Xia B, Hu G, Wang K, Zhuang Z. Effects of long-term low-dose formaldehyde exposure on global genomic hypomethylation in 16HBE cells.Toxicol Lett,2011, 205(3):235-240. [PMID: 21745553] (IF=3.262).

14)Xia B, Yang LQ, Huang HY, Pang L, Hu GH, Liu QC, Yuan JH,Liu JJ, Xia YB, Zhuang ZX. Chromium (VI) causes down regulation of biotinidase in human bronchial epithelial cells by modifications of histone acetylation.Toxicol Lett,2011, 205(2):140-145. [PMID: 21641978] (IF=3.262).

15)Yang L,Luo L,Ji W,Gong C,Wu D,Huang H,Liu Q,Xia B,Hu G,Zhang W,Zhang Q,Liu J,Zhang W,Zhuang Z. Effect of low dose bisphenol A on the early differentiation of human embryonic stem cells into mammary epithelial cells.Toxicol Lett,2013, 218(3):187-193. [PMID: 23391485](IF=3.262).

16)Tao GH, Yang LQ, Gong CM, Huang HY, Liu JD,Liu JJ, Yuan JH, Chen W, Zhuang Z.Effect of PARP-1 deficiency on DNA damage and repair in human bronchial epithelial cells exposed to Benzo(a)pyrene.Mol Biol Rep,2009,36(8):2413-2422. [PMID: 19247804] (IF=2.024).

17)Huang HY, Cai JF, Liu QC, Hu GH, Xia B, Mao JY, Wu DS,Liu JJ,Zhuang ZX.Role of poly(ADP-ribose) glycohydrolase in the regulation of cell fate in response to benzo(a)pyrene.Exp Cell Res. 2012, 318(5):682-690. [PMID: 22266578] (IF=3.246).

18)Huang H, Li X,Hu G,Li X, Zhuang Z,Liu J, Wu D, Yang L, Xu X, Huang X, Zhang J, Hong WX, Yuan J, Gao W, Liu Y.Poly(ADP-ribose) glycohydrolase silencing down-regulates TCTP and Cofilin-1 associated with metastasis inbenzo(a)pyrene carcinogenesis.Am J Cancer Res. 2014,5(1):155-167.[PMID:25628927] (IF=4.165).

19)Sui X,Liu J, Yang X. Cerebrospinal fluid biomarkers of Alzheimer’s diseaseNeurosci Bull. 2014,30(2): 233-242. [PMID:24733653] (IF=2.509).

20)Huang H, Hu G, Cai J, Xia B,Liu J, Li X, Gao W, Zhang J, Liu Y, Zhuang Z. Role of poly(ADP-ribose) glycohydrolase silencing in DNA hypomethylation induced by benzo(a)pyrene.Biochem Biophys Res Commun.2014,452(3):708-714. [PMID:25195819] (IF=2.297).


1)刘建军,任晓虎,阮嘉雯,刘威,黄新凤. 一种肝细胞miR-199b低表达的慢病毒表达载体及其构建方法,2019年获得国家发明专利授权证书,专利号:ZL 2018 1 0362418.5.

2)任晓虎,刘建军,黄新凤,钟佳成,阮嘉雯. 促进肝细胞miR-199b高表达的慢病毒表达载体及其构建方法,2019年获得国家发明专利授权证书,专利号:ZL 2016 1 0325842.3.

3)刘建军,黄海燕,孙烨,刘威,任晓虎,彭朝琼,黄新凤. 一种基于а烯醇化酶的麻痹性贝类毒素细胞检测法,2017年获得国家发明专利授权证书,专利号:ZL 2016 1 02311544.0.

4)刘建军,黄海燕,黄爱君,黄薇,庄志雄,彭朝琼,袁建辉. 腹泻性贝类毒素检测方法,2012年获得国家发明专利授权证书,专利号:ZL 2010 1 0266834.9.

5)刘建军,席仁荣,黄海燕,邢秀梅,彭朝琼,周丽. SET基因RNA干扰重组载体及其构建方法和应用,2013年获得国家发明专利授权证书,专利号: ZL2010 1 0255674.8.

6)刘建军,蒋英芝,杨细飞,李杰,周丽. 特异性抑制SET蛋白表达的shRNA表达载体及其构建方法和应用,2013年获得国家发明专利授权证书,专利号:ZL2010 1 0255722.3.








7)《农业转基因生物食用安全性要求与评价》, 编著者,人民卫生出版社,2008年.



1)Xiaohu Ren,Jianjun Liu*,et al. SET-mediated Suppression of Histone H3k18ac and H3k27ac Promotes Hexavalent Chromium Induced Malignant Transformation Partially Through Down-regulation of 53BP1.13th Biennial Conference,ISTERH2019, Sep. 22-26, 2019,Bali Island,Indonesia.(口头报告)

2)Jianjun Liu.Down-regulation of p53 by SET contributes to TCE-induced DNA damage through inhibition of H3K79 di-methylation. 2018 International Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Proteomics, June 25-27, 2018, Dublin, Ireland. (分会主席, 口头报告)

3)Jianjun Liu.Proteomic study of SET-mediated abnormal protein phosphorylation and histone modification in trichloroethylene-induced hepatic cytotoxicty.2nd International Conference on Current Trends in Mass Spectrometry, July 20-22, 2016, Chicago, USA. (分会主席, 口头报告)

4)刘建军,作为“The XIII International Congress of Toxicology(ICT 2013) in conjunction with The 2nd(2013) International Conference on Environmental OMICS (ISEO)”组织委员会委员,组织了一个专题分会,并担任专题分会主席: Chair for session E02:Molecular and Cellular Toxicity Mechanisms and Adverse Health Outcomes. July 1, 2013, Seoul, Korea, E02, P25.(分会主席)

5)刘建军,作为“2011 International Conference on Environmental OMICS (ISEO)”1个主旨报告会主席,1个分会报告主席:Co-Chairfor keynote and plenarySession Ⅲin Nov. 10, 2011 and as Chair for Session D4: Predictiveproteomics: toxicity pathways, signatures, and adverse health outcomes in Nov. 9,2011, Guangzhou, China, P28-29.(分会主席)

6)Jianjun Liu, Xiaohu Ren, Bo Xia,et al. Studies of SET-mediated protein phosphorylation and nucleolin self-regulatory in trichloroethylene-induced hepatic cytotoxicity.The Gordon Research Conference on Posttranslational Modification Networks,July 5-10, 2015, Hongkong. (口头报告)

7)Jianjun Liu, Xiaohu Ren, Bo Xia,et al. Proteomic study of SET-mediated phosphorylation and regulatory analysis of nucleolin in trichloroethylene-induced hepatic cytotoxicity.Proteomic Forum 2015,March 22-25,2015, Berlin, GermanyPoster P163.

8)Jianjun Liu. Proteomics study of SET-mediated hepatic cytotoxicity induced by TCE. The 4thAsian Conference Environmental Mutagens, Dec. 10-12, 2014, Kolkata, India. Omics in toxicology.(口头报告)

9)Liu JJ, Ren XH, Yang XF,et al.Identification of the Proteins Related to SET-mediated Hepatic Cytotoxicity of Trichloroethylene by Proteomic Analysis. The US Environmental Mutagenesis and Genomics Society 44th Annual Meeting, Sep. 21-25, 2013, Monterey, US, Poster LB4.

10)Wen-Xu Hong, Wei Liu,Jianjun Liu*. Identification of Serum Biomarkers for Occcupational Medicamentosa-like Dermatitics Induced by Trichloroethylene Using Mass Spectrometry. The XIII International Congress of Toxicology(ICT 2013), Jun30-Jul 4, 2013, Seoul, Korea, E04, P29. (口头报告)

11)Jianjun Liu, Xifei Yang, Chun’e He,et al. Silica Nanoparticles Induce Neurotoxicity and Alzheimer-like Pathological Signs in Neurblastoma Cells.Conference paper, The 6th International Confernece on Nanotoxicology,2012.

12)Hong Wen-Xu , Chen Moutong ,Liu Jianjun*,et al.Altered interaction between eEF1A1s and SET in trichloroethylene-treated human L-02 liver cells.The 7th Chinese Proteomics Conference & 3rd Interantional Proteomics Forum, 2011, P27.(口头报告)

13)Hong Wen-Xu , Chen Moutong ,Liu Jianjun*,et al.Altered interactions between eEF1As and SET in trichloroethylene-treated human L-02 liver cells. 2011 International Conference on Environmental OMICS (ISEO),2011,P28.(口头报告)

14)Xifei Yang, Yingzhi Jiang,Jianjun Liu*,et al. Lentivirus-mediated RNA interference targeting I2PP2A attenuated trichloroethylene-induced cytotoxicity in human L-02 Liver cells. 2011 International Conference on Environmental OMICS (ISEO), 2011,P25.(口头报告)

15)Jianjun Liu, Moutong Chen, Xifei Yang,et al.Identification of the novel interaction proteins of SET in L-02 liver cells treated with trichloroethylene.XII International Congress of Toxicology(Barcelona-Spain 19-23 July 2010), P42, (P104-018).

16)刘建军,黄海燕,黄爱君,等.大田软海绵酸的荧光检测法研究.第九届粤港澳台预防医学学术会议,Nov. 6-7, 2010, Hongkong,Poster,P115.

17)Xifei Yang,Jianjun Liu*, Haowei He,et al. Nanometer SiO2induces toxicological effects and protein expression alterationin HaCaT cells. 2009 Wuhan International Conference on the Environment (WICE), 2009. (口头报告)

18)Jianjun Liu, Xiumei Xing, Zhixiong Zhuang,et al. Identification of trichloroethylene intoxication associated liver cell proteins by serological proteome analysis. The 5th Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) World Congress,Sydney, Australia, Poster 24, Omics, 2008, Aug, Program Book, P134.

19)Jianjun Liu, Haiyan Huang , Xiumei Xing ,et al. Comparative proteomic analysis on human L-02 liver cells treated with varying concentrations of trichloroethylene. XI International Congress of Toxicology, Montreal, Canada, 2007, Jul, Poster PT3.060(058).

20)Jianjun Liu, Haiyan Huang , Zhixiong Zhuang,et al. Differential proteomic analysis on the cellular responses in human liver cell induced by different concentrations of trichloroethylene. The 4th International Congress of Asian Society of Toxicology. Chinese Journal of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Zhuhai,China, Poster 2006, Jun, 20(3):258(P3-23).



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