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2024年04月26日 19:45  点击:[]







个人简介:博士,硕士生导师。2008年毕业于北京大学,获得药学专业学士学位。2014年毕业于北京大学,获得生药学专业博士学位。之后在德国杜塞尔多夫大学药物生物学与生物技术研究所进行博士后工作,从事微生物次生代谢产物的研究,2020年入职见好就收才是赢太阳9728药学系。长期从事新颖天然产物的发现和药用研究,已从不同来源的动植物和微生物中分离并鉴定了800多个天然产物,其中新化合物300多个,以通讯作者或第一作者身份已发表SCI论文40多篇,担任Journal of Natural Products,Frontiers in Microbiology,Bioorganic Chemistry等期刊审稿人。


1.Yu X, Gao Y, Frank M, Mándi A, Kurtán T, Müller WEG, Kalscheuer R, Guo Z, Zou K,Liu Z,*Proksch P.*Induction of ambuic acid derivatives by the endophytic fungusPestalotiopsis lespedezaethrough an OSMAC approach.Tetrahedron2021, 79, 131876.

2.Gao Y, Stuhldreier F, Schmitt L, Wesselborg S, Guo Z, Zou K, Mándi A, Kurtán T,Liu Z,*Proksch P.*Induction of new lactam derivatives from the endophytic fungusAplosporella javeediithrough an OSMAC approach.Frontiers in Microbiology2020, 11, 600983.

3.El-Kashef DH, Youssef FS, Hartmann R, Knedel TO, Janiak C, Lin W, Reimche I, Teusch N,Liu Z,*Proksch P.*Azaphilones from the Red Sea fungusAspergillus falconensis.Marine Drugs2020, 18, 204.

4.Pan F, El-Kashef DH, Kalscheuer R, Müller WEG, Lee J, Feldbrügge M, Mándi A, Kurtán T,Liu Z,*Wu W,*Proksch P.*Cladosins L-O, new hybrid polyketides from the endophytic fungusCladosporium sphaerospermumWBS017.European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry2020, 191, 112159.

5.Yu X, Müller WEG, Meier D, Kalscheuer R, Guo Z, Zou K, Umeokoli BO,Liu Z,*Proksch P.*Polyketide derivatives from mangrove derived endophytic fungusPseudopestalotiopsis theae.Marine Drugs2020, 18, 129.

6.Tran-Cong NM, Mándi A, Kurtán T, Müller WEG, Kalscheuer R, Lin W,Liu Z,*Proksch P.*Induction of cryptic metabolites of the endophytic fungusTrichocladiumsp. through OSMAC and co-cultivation.RSC Advances2019, 9, 27279-27288.

7.Frank M, Hartmann R, Plenker M, Mándi A, Kurtán T, Özkaya FC, Müller WEG, Kassack MU, Hamacher A, Lin W,Liu Z,*Proksch P.*Brominated azaphilones from the sponge-associated fungusPenicillium canescensstrain 4.14.6a.Journal of Natural Products2019, 82, 2159-2166.

8.Liu S, Zhao Y, Heering C, Janiak C, Müller WEG, Akoné SH,Liu Z,*Proksch P.*Sesquiterpenoids from the endophytic fungusRhinocladiella similis.Journal of Natural Products2019, 82, 1055-1062.

9.Frank M, Özkaya FC, Müller WEG, Hamacher A, Kassack MU, Lin W,Liu Z,*Proksch P.*Cryptic secondary metabolites from the sponge-associated fungusAspergillus ochraceus.Marine Drugs2019, 17, 99.

10.Yu H, Sperlich J, Mándi A, Kurtán T, Dai H, Teusch N, Guo ZY, Zou K,Liu Z,*Proksch P.*Azaphilone derivatives from the fungusConiella fragariaeinhibit NF-κB activation and reduce tumor cell migration.Journal of Natural Products2018, 81, 2493-2500.

11.Yu X, Zhang Q, Tian L, Guo Z, Liu C, Chen J, Ebrahim W,Liu Z,*Proksch P.*Zou K.*Germacrane-type sesquiterpenoids with antiproliferative activities fromEupatorium chinense.Journal of Natural Products2018, 81, 85-91.

12.Küppers L, Ebrahim W, El-Neketi M, Özkaya FC, Mándi A, Kurtán T, Orfali RS, Müller WEG, Hartmann R, Lin W, Song W,Liu Z,*Proksch P.*Lactones from the sponge-derived fungusTalaromyces rugulosus.Marine Drugs2017, 15, 359.

13.Elnaggar MS, Ebrahim W, Mándi A, Kurtán T, Müller WEG, Kalscheuer R, Singab A, Lin WH,Liu Z,*Proksch P.*Hydroquinone derivatives from the marine-derived fungusGliomastixsp.RSC Advances2017, 7, 30640-30649.

14.Muharini R, Diaz A, Ebrahim W, Mándi A, Kurtán T, Rehberg N, Kalscheuer R, Hartmann R, Orfali RS, Lin W,Liu Z,*Proksch P.*Antibacterial and cytotoxic phenolic metabolites from the fruits ofAmorpha fruticosa.Journal of Natural Products2017, 80, 169-180.

15.Liu S, Dai H, Makhloufi G, Heering C, Janiak C, Hartmann R, Mándi A, Kurtán T, Müller WE, Kassack MU, Lin W,Liu Z,*Proksch P.*Cytotoxic 14-membered macrolides from a mangrove-derived endophytic fungus,Pestalotiopsis microspora.Journal of Natural Products2016, 79, 2332-2340.

16.Wang H, Dai HF, Heering C, Janiak C, Lin WH, Orfali RS, Müller WEG,Liu Z,*Proksch P.*Targeted solid phase fermentation of the soil dwelling fungusGymnascella dankaliensisyields new brominated tyrosine-derived alkaloids.RSC Advances2016, 6, 81685-81693.

17.Liu S, Dai H, Orfali RS, Lin W,Liu Z,*Proksch P.*New fusaric acid derivatives from the endophytic fungusFusarium oxysporumand their phytotoxicity to barley leaves.Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry2016, 64, 3127-3132.

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