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2024年04月24日 22:31  点击:[]





简介:文朗,博士,本科就读于华中科技老员工物医学工程专业,获工学学士学位,后保送至中国科学技术老员工命科学学院硕博连读,获神经生物学博士学位,主要运用小鼠行为学、膜片钳电生理等技术,研究免疫分子等参与脑认知功能、调控突触传递的机制。相关成果发表于Trends in NeurosciencesCell Reports等期刊。


(1)Lang Wen, Danlei Bi, Yong Shen. Complement-mediated synapse loss in Alzheimer’s Disease: Mechanisms and Involvement of Risk Factors.Trends in Neurosciences. 2024, 47, 53-69

(2)Lang Wen, Zujun Wu, Xiaoli Yang, Shumei Fu, Yaxi Zhan, Zuolong Chen, Danlei Bi, Yong Shen. The Complement Inhibitor CD59 is Required for GABAergic Synaptic Transmission in the Dentate Gyrus.Cell Reports. 2023, 42, 112349-112368

(3) Xiaoqun Wang, Xiaoli Yang, Zhuanghao Hou, Shuangshuang Tian, Guangwei Xu, Jianyu Li,Lang Wen, Danlei Bi, Feng Gao, Yong Shen, Guangming Huang. Whole-brain mapping of metabolic alterations in a mouse model of Alzheimer's disease by desorption electrospray ionization mass spectrometry imaging.Talanta, 2023, 253, 124046.

(4) Danlei Bi,Lang Wen, Zujun Wu, Yong Shen. GABAergic dysfunction in excitatory and inhibitory (E/I) imbalance drives the pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease.Alzheimers Dement. 2020, 16, 1312-1329.

(5)Lang Wen, Danlei Bi, Yong Shen. A New Mechanism of Alzheimer’s Disease: Hyperactivity of Neurons Due To GABAa Receptor Dysfunction.Alzheimers Dement. 2019, 15(7S), 642. AAIC 2019 (Poster)

(6)毕丹蕾,文朗,熊伟,申勇.阿尔茨海默病的可能药物靶点和临床治疗研究进展.中国药理学与毒理学杂志, 2015, 29, 507-536

(7) Jie Yang, Ming-Hao Yao,Lang Wen, Ji-Tao Song, Ming-Zhen Zhang, Yuan-Di Zhao, Bo Liu, Multifunctional quantum dot–polypeptide hybrid nanogel for targeted imaging and drug delivery.Nanoscale, 2014, 6, 11282-11292.



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