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2022年10月24日 16:51  点击:[]









邓锡云博士,教授、博士生导师、见好就收才是赢9728网站“世承人才”计划入选者;现任见好就收才是赢9728网站肿瘤干细胞与转化医学重点实验室主任、基础医学系主任兼博士/硕士学位点负责人。毕业于湘雅见好就收才是赢太阳9728,在美国进行博士后研究并获得助理教授职位,于2012年全职引进至见好就收才是赢太阳9728。长期从事肿瘤干细胞靶向药物的研发及作用机制、代谢重编程和肿瘤转移的分子机制等研究。率先提出用天然化合物针对三阴性乳腺癌干细胞进行靶向治疗;发现蛋白翻译后修饰介导药物诱导的肿瘤细胞应激反应并率先提出“反向核仁应激”(reverse nucleolar stress)的概念。

主持国家自然科学基金面上项目5项以及湖南省自然科学基金、长沙市科技项目、见好就收才是赢太阳9728开放课题等多项科研课题;主编《Triple-Negative Breast Cancer(三阴性乳腺癌)》英文专著,由亚太地区规模最大的英文科技出版公司World Scientific Publishing出版;主编《Triple-Negative Breast Cancer》专刊1期;在Breast Cancer Research、InternationalJournal of Biological Sciences、Blood、Clinical Cancer Research、Cancer Treatment Reviews、ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces等高影响因子杂志发表科研论文或综述100余篇。






2.Scientific Reports杂志编委

3.Journal of Cancer杂志编委














批准号:82173374 起止日期:2022.01-2025.12 金额:55万元


批准号:81872167 起止日期:2019.01-2022.12 金额:58万元


批准号:81472496 起止日期:2015.01-2018.12 金额:70万元


批准号:30771966 起止日期:2008.01-2010.12 金额:32万元


批准号:30170877 起止日期:2002.01-2003.12 金额:16万元



批准号:2019JJ40193 起止日期:2019.01-2021.12 金额:10万元


批准号:14A089 起止日期:2014.09-2017.08 金额:6万元



批准号:130608 起止日期:2012.12-2022.11 金额:160万元


批准号:KF2022004 起止日期:2023.07-2024.06 金额:10万元


批准号:KF2022002 起止日期:2022.07-2023.06 金额:16万元


1.Xiyun Deng, Hirotsugu Ueda, Shao Bo Su, Wanghua Gong, Nancy M. Dunlop, Ji-Liang Gao,Philip M. Murphy, Ji Ming Wang*. A synthetic peptide derived from human immunodeficiency virus type 1 gp120 downregulates the expression and function of chemokine receptors CCR5 and CXCR4 in monocytes by activating the 7-transmembrane G-protein-coupled receptor FPRL1/LXA4R.Blood1999; 94(4):1165-1173.IF: 20.3

2.Jinyue Hu#,Xiyun Deng#, Xiuwu Bian, Guancheng Li, Yongqing Tong, Yuehui Li, Qingliang Wang, Rong Xin, Xiaojuan He, Guohua Zhou, Pingli Xie, Yanwen Li, Ji Ming Wang, Ya Cao*. The expression of functional chemokine receptor CXCR4 is associated with the metastatic potential of human nasopharyngeal carcinoma.Clinical Cancer Research2005; 11(13):4658-4665.IF: 11.5

3.Xiyun Deng, Guangchun He, Junwen Liu, Feijun Luo, Xiaoning Peng, Shigang Tang, Zhiyong Gao, Qinlu Lin, Jill M Keller, Tao Yang*, Evan T Keller*. Recent Advances in Bone-Targeted Therapies of Metastatic Prostate Cancer.Cancer Treatment Reviews2014; 40(6):730-738.IF: 11.8

4.Xinyu Wang, Chanjuan Zheng, Hui Yao, Yuxuan Guo, Yian Wang, Guangchun He, Shujun Fu,Xiyun Deng*. Disulfidptosis: Six Riddles Necessitating Solutions.International Journal of Biological Sciences2024; 20(3):1042-1044.IF:9.2

5.Liujiang Song#, Xiaojun Tao#, Li Lin#, Chao Chen, Hui Yao, Guangchun He, Guangyang Zou, Zhong Cao, Shichao Yan, Lu Lu, Huimei Yi, Di Wu, Siyuan Tan, Wanxin Ouyang, Zhifei Dai*,Xiyun Deng*. Cerasomal Lovastatin Nanohybrids for Efficient Inhibition of Triple-Negative Breast Cancer Stem Cells to Improve Therapeutic Efficacy.ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces2018; 10(8):7022-7030.IF: 8.9

6.Chanjuan Zheng#, Xi Xu#, Muyao Wu#, Lian Xue, Jianyu Zhu, Hongzhuo Xia, Siyu Ding, Shujun Fu, Xinyu Wang, Yian Wang, Guangchun He, Xia Liu*,Xiyun Deng*. Neutrophils in Triple-Negative Breast Cancer: An Underestimated Player with Increasingly Recognized Importance.Breast Cancer Research2023; 25(1):88.IF:7.3

7.Xiyun Deng*, Chanjuan Zheng, Faqing Tang, Thomas J Rosol, Zhi-Ming Shao*. Editorial: Triple-Negative Breast Cancer: Heterogeneity, Tumor Microenvironment and Targeted Therapy.Frontiers in Oncology2022; 12:1026566.

8.Sisi Chen, Ying Li, Muyao Wu, Lian Xue, Jianyu Zhu, Mi Wu, Qiuting Zhang, Guangchun He, Guifei Li, Shujun Fu, Chanjuan Zheng*,Xiyun Deng*. Nucleolar and Coiled-Body Phosphoprotein 1 (NOLC1) Is Associated with Stemness and Represents a Potential Therapeutic Target in Triple-Negative Breast Cancer.Frontiers in Oncology2022; 12:731528.

9.Mi Wu#, Lu Lu#, Sisi Chen, Ying Li, Qiuting Zhang, Shujun Fu*,Xiyun Deng*. Natural Products Inducing Nucleolar Stress: Implications in Cancer Therapy.Anticancer Drugs2022; 33(1):e21-e27.

10.Shichao Yan#, Da Tang#, Zhangyong Hong, Jing Wang, Hui Yao, Lu Lu, Huimei Yi, Shujun Fu, Chanjuan Zheng, Guangchun He, Heng Zou, Xuyang Hou, Qing He, Li Xiong*, Qinglong Li*,Xiyun Deng*. CD133 peptide-conjugated pyropheophorbide-a as a novel photosensitizer for targeted photodynamic therapy in colorectal cancer stem cells.Biomaterials Science2021; 9(6):2020-2031.IF: 6.6(封面文章)

11.Chanjuan Zheng#, Shichao Yan#, Lu Lu#, Hui Yao, Guangchun He, Sisi Chen, Ying Li, Xiaojun Peng, Zhongyi Cheng, Mi Wu, Qiuting Zhang, Guifei Li, Shujun Fu,Xiyun Deng*. Lovastatin Inhibits EMT and MetastasisofTriple-Negative Breast Cancer Stem Cells ThroughDysregulation of Cytoskeleton-Associated Proteins.Frontiers in Oncology2021;11:656687.

12.Ying Li#,Zhijun Zhan#,Xuemin Yin,Shujun Fu*,Xiyun Deng*. Targeted Therapeutic Strategies for Triple-Negative Breast Cancer.Frontiers in Oncology2021;11:731535.

13.Huimei Yi#, Ying Li#,Yuan Tan#, Shujun Fu*, Faqing Tang*,Xiyun Deng*. Immune Checkpoint Inhibition for Triple-Negative Breast Cancer: Current Landscape and Future Perspectives.Frontiers in Oncology2021;11:648139.

14.Huimei Yi, Mi Wu, Qiuting Zhang, Lu Lu, Hui Yao, Sisi Chen, Ying Li, Chanjuan Zheng, Guangchun He,Xiyun Deng*. Reversal of HER2 Negativity: An Unexpected Role for Lovastatin in Triple-Negative Breast Cancer Stem Cells.Journal of Cancer2020; 11(13): 3713-3716.

15.Di Wu#, Yao Chen#, Shun Wen, Yi Wen, Rong Wang, Qiuting Zhang, Ge Qin, Huimei Yi, Mi Wu, Lu Lu, Xiaojun Tao*,Xiyun Deng*. Synergistically enhanced inhibitory effects of pullulan nanoparticle-mediated co-delivery of lovastatin and doxorubicin to triple-negative breast cancer cells.Nanoscale Research Letters2019; 14(1):314-325.

16.Liang Zeng,Xiyun Deng*, Jingmin Zhong, Li Yuan, Xiaojun Tao, Sai Zhang, Yong Zeng, Guangchun He, Pingping Tan, Yongguang Tao*. Prognostic value of biomarkers EpCAM and αB-crystallin associated with lymphatic metastasis in breast cancer by iTRAQ analysis.BMC Cancer2019; 9(1):831-841.

17.Lu Lu#, Huimei Yi#, Chao Chen#, Shichao Yan, Hui Yao, Guangchun He, Guifei Li, Yiqun Jiang, Tuo Deng,Xiyun Deng*. Nucleolar stress: is there a reverse version?Journal of Cancer2018; 9(20): 3723-3727.

18.Hui Yao, Guangchun He, Shichao Yan, Chao Chen, Liujiang Song, Thomas J Rosol,Xiyun Deng*. Triple-Negative Breast Cancer: Is There a Treatment on the Horizon?Oncotarget2017; 8(1):1913-1924.

19.Liang Zeng, Jingmin Zhong, Guangchun He, Fangjun Li, Jing Li, Wen Zhou, Wenbin Liu, Yun Zhang, Sanqian Huang, Zhihong Liu,Xiyun Deng*. Identification of Nucleobindin-2 as a Potential Biomarker for Breast Cancer Metastasis Using iTRAQ-based Quantitative Proteomic Analysis.Journal of Cancer2017; 8(15):3062-3069.

20.Hui Yao, Guangchun He, Chao Chen, Shichao Yan, Lu Lu, Liujiang Song, K Vinod Vijayan, Qinglong Li, Li Xiong, Xiongying Miao,Xiyun Deng*. PAI1: a novel PP1-interacting protein that mediates human plasma's anti-apoptotic effect in endothelial cells.Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine2017; 21(9):2068-2076.IF: 5.3

21.Tao Yang, Hui Yao, Guangchun He, Liujiang Song, Ning Liu, Yan Wang, Yingke Yang, Evan T Keller,Xiyun Deng*. Effects of Lovastatin on MDA-MB-231 Breast Cancer Cells: An Antibody Microarray Analysis.Journal of Cancer2016; 7(2):192-199.

22.Xiyun Deng, Yanna Cao, Yan Liu, Fazhi Li, Kamalanathan Sambandam, Srinivasan Rajaraman, Archibald S Perkins, Alan P Fields, Mark R Hellmich, Courtney M Townsend Jr, E Aubrey Thompson, Tien C Ko*. Overexpression of Evi-1 oncoprotein represses TGF-β signaling in colorectal cancer.Molecular Carcinogenesis2013; 52(4):255-264.

23.Xiyun Deng*, Guangchun He, Andrea Levine, Ya Cao, Chad Mullins. Adenovirus-mediated Expression of TIMP-1 and TIMP-2 in Bone Inhibits the Growth of Human Prostate Cancer.International Journal of Cancer2008; 122(1):209-218.IF: 6.4

24.Xiyun Deng, Sarah H Tannehill-Gregg, Murali V P Nadella, Guangchun He, Andrea Levine, Ya Cao, Thomas J Rosol*. Parathyroid Hormone-related Protein and Ezrin Are Up-regulated in Human Lung Cancer Bone Metastases.Clinical & Experimental Metastasis2007; 24(2):107-119.

25.Xiyun Deng*, Sunita Bhagat, Zhong Dong, Chadwick Mullins, Sreenivasa Rao Chinni, Michael Cher. Tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-3 induces apoptosis in prostate cancer cells and confers increased sensitivity to paclitaxel.European Journal of Cancer2006; 42(18):3267-3273.IF: 8.4

26.Xiyun Deng, Min Kim, Didier Vandier, Yun-jin Jung, Toshiki Rikiyama, Magda K Sgagias, Merrill Goldsmith, Kenneth H Cowan*. Recombinant adenovirus-mediated p14(ARF) overexpression sensitizes human breast cancer cells to cisplatin.Biochemical & Biophysical Research Communications2002; 296(4):792-798.




1.Xiyun Deng*, Faqing Tang*, Thomas J Rosol* (Editors):Triple-Negative Breast Cancer.Singapore: World Scientific Publishing, 2020 (ISBN 978-981-3277-75-5)

微信推送:仁爱谨研,协同育人——公司邓锡云教授出版三阴性乳腺癌《Triple-Negative Breast Cancer》专著 (见好就收才是赢太阳9728 2021-10-04 23:41)

2.Xiyun Deng*:Triple-negative breast cancer.InBreast Cancer.Berlin (Germany): Avid Science, 2016, pp. 1-33.

3.Xiyun Deng*, Jinlu Dai, Evan T Keller:Bone-targeted therapies of metastatic prostate cancer.InAdvances in Prostate Cancer.Berlin (Germany): Avid Science, 2016, pp. 1-47.

4.陶永光、邓锡云:核酸分析技术。曹亚主编:实用分子生物学操作指南人民卫生出版社2003. pp. 70-129.


Xiyun Deng, Faqing Tang, Thomas J Rosol (Research Topic Editors): Triple-Negative Breast Cancer: Heterogeneity, Tumor Microenvironment and Targeted Therapy. Frontiers in Oncology 2021








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